Digital guest books

A better way to receive heartfelt messages from family and friends - to be cherished for years to come.

Try a free 30-day pilot
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What your client families receive

  • A better and easier way to receive, organize and preserve heartfelt messages from family and friends
  • Multiple access points - guests can leave a message from anywhere, anytime - before, during, or after the service
  • Unlimited capacity and multi-media functionality, allowing for text, audio or video messages
  • Interactive interface that prompts for richer messages, such as most admired traits, a special memory, or a funny anecdote
  • Private, secure and ad free
  • Seamless integration onto the service notice page, live stream, into a free online memorial and/or into a printed hardcover memory-book

What you achieve

  • Industry leading product differentiation - to elevate your customer experience and brand
  • Instant revenue and margin lift at no cost to you
  • Ready-to-go guest book QR posters, bookmarks and sharable link to easily set up the digital guest book at services in under 2 minutes
  • 15-20 new qualified leads per case (guest emails collected) for future marketing purposes

How it works

  • Setup in under 2 minutes

    Step 1.

    Setup in under 2 minutes

    • Instantly generate a personalized digital guest book in Memories Connect in 1-click
    • An email will automatically send to the family designee with a secure, sharable link
    • Print out the auto-generated QR-code poster and bookmarks to present to in-person guests at the service. The QR code may also be printed on service booklets or stationery, as desired.
  • Guests may contribute anytime

    Step 2.

    Guests may contribute anytime

    • Family and friends may begin leaving messages onto the digital guest book once the service notice page is published
    • In-person guests may scan one of the QR-code posters or take home a QR bookmark to leave a message at or after the service
    • If applicable, live stream viewers may leave a message online during the stream
  • Deliver to family post-service

    Step 3.

    Deliver to family post-service

    • After the service, the digital guest book is hosted on a beautiful, secure and private online memorial assigned to the family
    • The owner may share it with family and friends, further enrich it as they wish, and cherish it for generations to come.
    • You may provide the family with a complementary stainless-steel tile QR-code linked to the online memorial as an elegant handover after the service.

Memories is the industry leading solution to elevated funeral experiences

Everything you need - all in one place.

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  • Free training and marketing materials for arrangement meetings[object Object] image
  • Stainless-steel QR-coded tile for more elegant post-service handover[object Object] image

Over 10 million messages and memories shared

Trusted by over 1 million people in 50 countries.

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