23 Happy memories quotes

Celebrations & Occasions
23 Happy Memories Quotes

Why do we have memories? Do you find it amazing that you’re able to remember with fondness experiences that gave you great joy and excitement? These heartwarming moments might have taken place way back in time, but once you recall them, they feel like they happened just yesterday.

Without a doubt, memories are powerful — especially happy ones. And we love knowing that Memories allows people to preserve their most precious, happy memories captured in pictures, videos, clippings and other snippets from old photo albums. We also love being able to look back and feel good about being alive, and we know you do too! So  we’d like to share 23 quotes on happy memories that are worth reading.

Happy memories quotes: the value of remembering the best stuff

1. “A good life is a collection of happy memories.” — Denis Waitley

2. “The greatest joys of life are happy memories. Your job is to create as many of them as possible.” — Brian Tracy

3. “I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that's all you have — happy memories.” — Sarah Strohmeyer

4. “I believe that without memories there is no life, and that our memories should be of happy times.” — Lee Radziwill

5. “He asked me once what I wanted when I died, what I wanted out of life, and I told him I just wanted more happy memories than sad ones.” ― R. YS Perez, I Hope You Fall in Love: Poetry Collection

6. “The richest person in the cemetery is the one who left the most happy memories.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo

Happy memories quotes: enjoyable moments that must be cherished

7. “The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don’t celebrate those, they can pass you by.” — Alek Wek

8. “Adventure is important in life. Making memories matters […] [E]ffort from imagination and following adventure creates stories that you keep forever. And anyone can do it.” — Rob Lowe

9. “To eke out the most happiness from an experience, we must anticipate it, savor it as it unfolds, express happiness, and recall a happy memory.” — Gretchen Rubin

10. “We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” — A.A. Milne

11. “I am happy when I am on stage. I like that wave of blue. I like the eardrum splitting sounds of loud screams. I like to be able to breathe along with the members. Each and every stage is a good reminiscence and a happy memory.” — Leeteuk, South Korean singer-songwriter

12. “The memories we make with our family is everything.” — Candace Cameron Bure

Happy memories quotes: the longevity of such memories

13. “Truly happy memories always live on, shining. Over time, one by one, they come back to life.” — Banana Yoshimoto

14. “What I have got from my childhood aren't toys, but memories. And happy memories are better than any toy.” — River Phoenix

15. “When you get older, it feels like happy memories and sad memories are pretty much the same thing. It is all just emotion in the end. And any of it can make you weep.” — Nick Hornby

16. “I am convinced that the greatest legacy we can leave our children are happy memories: those precious moments so much like pebbles on the beach that are plucked from the white sand and placed in tiny boxes that lay undisturbed on tall shelves until one day they spill out and time repeats itself, with joy and sweet sadness, in the child now an adult.” — Og Mandino

17. “A life-long blessing for children is to fill them with warm memories of times together. Happy memories become treasures in the heart to pull out on the tough days of adulthood.” — Charlotte Kasl

18. “A happy memory is perhaps on this earth truer than happiness itself.” — Alfred de Musset

19. “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” — Robert Brault

20. “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” — Dr. Seuss

Happy memories poems

21. “Sweet dreams and happy memories,

A love that's good and true;

A home to care for tenderly;

A song to sing that's new

Sweet dreams and happy memories

And friends to join in mirth

Some tears to give to those who die,

And smiles to greet each birth.

Sweet dreams and happy memories,

To win a game or two.

The faith to know that Spring will come,

The strength to wait it through.

Sweet dreams and happy memories,

To do what there's to do

For joy is living day to day,

To make sweet dreams come true.”

— Doris Reed Tietz

22. “I'd like the memory of me

to be a happy one.

I'd like to leave an afterglow

of smiles when life is done.

I'd like to leave an echo

whispering softly down the ways,

Of happy times and laughing times

and bright and sunny days.

I'd like the tears of those who grieve,

to dry before the sun

of happy memories that I leave when life is done.”

— Helen Lowrie Marshall

Quote on the fragility of happy memories

23. “Why did happy memories fade and blur until one could scarcely recall them at all, while horrible memories seemed to retain their blinding clarity and painful sharpness?” — Judith McNaught

You deserve a chance to preserve your happiest memories, as some of them are indeed fragile. Thankfully, you can do this easily with Memories. Memories is the perfect online platform for you to safely store digital photos, as well as digitised copies of pictures from your albums. It’s very convenient using Memories on your desktop or through the mobile app, which is available on both iOS and Android devices. Set up your Memories account today and be proactive with keeping your wonderful memories safe.

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